Advent Prayers

Advent 1

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, God of our ancestors:

to you be praise and glory for ever.

You called the patriarchs to live by the light of faith

and to journey in the hope of your promised fulfilment.

May we be obedient to your call

and be ready and watchful to receive your Christ,

a lamp to our feet and a light to our path;

for you are our light and our salvation.

Blessed be God for ever.

God of Abraham and Sarah,

and all the patriarchs of old,

you are our Father too.

Your love is revealed to us in Jesus Christ,

Son of God and Son of David.

Help us in preparing to celebrate his birth

to make our hearts ready for your Holy Spirit

to make his home among us.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,

the light who is coming into the world.


People of God: awake!

The day is coming soon

when you shall see God face to face.

Remember the ways and the works of God.

God calls you out of darkness

to walk in the light of his coming.

You are God’s children.

Lord, make us one as we walk with Christ

today and for ever.


Advent 2

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, just and true:

to you be praise and glory for ever.

Of old you spoke by the mouth of your prophets,

but in our days you speak through your Son,

whom you have appointed the heir of all things.

Grant us, your people, to walk in his light,

that we may be found ready and watching

when he comes again in glory and judgement;

for you are our light and our salvation.

Blessed be God for ever.

God our Father,

you spoke to the prophets of old

of a Saviour who would bring peace.

You helped them to spread the joyful message

of his coming kingdom.

Help us, as we prepare to celebrate his birth,

to share with those around us

the good news of your power and love.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,

the light who is coming into the world.


People of God: be glad!

Your God delights in you,

giving you joy for sadness

and turning the dark to light.

Be strong in hope therefore;

for your God comes to save.

You are God’s children.

Lord, make us one in the love of Christ

today and for ever.


Advent 3

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, just and true:

to you be praise and glory for ever.

Your prophet John the Baptist was witness to the truth

as a burning and shining light.

May we your servants rejoice in his light,

and so be led to witness to him

who is the Lord of our coming kingdom,

Jesus our Saviour and King of the ages.

Blessed be God for ever.

God our Father,

you gave to Zechariah and Elizabeth in their old age

a son called John.

He grew up strong in spirit,

prepared the people for the coming of the Lord,

and baptized them in the Jordan to wash away their sins.

Help us, who have been baptized into Christ,

to be ready to welcome him into our hearts,

and to grow strong in faith by the power of the Spirit.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,

the light who is coming into the world.


People of God: return!

You are called to be God’s own.

From the mountains announce the good news.

God comes in justice and peace,

to all who follow his ways.

You are God’s children.

Lord, make us one in the peace of Christ

today and for ever.


Advent 4

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, merciful and gentle:

to you be praise and glory for ever.

Your light has shone in our darkened world

through the child-bearing of blessed Mary;

grant that we who have seen your glory

may daily be renewed in your image

and prepared like her for the coming of your Son,

who is the Lord and Saviour of all.

Blessed be God for ever.

God our Father,

the angel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary

that she was to be the mother of your Son.

Though Mary was afraid,

she responded to your call with joy.

Help us, whom you call to serve you,

to share like her in your great work

of bringing to our world your love and healing.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,

the light who is coming into the world.


People of God: prepare!

God, above all, maker of all,

is one with us in Christ.


Come, Lord Jesus!

God, the mighty God,

bends down in love to earth.


Come, Lord Jesus!

God with us, God beside us,

comes soon to the world he has made.


Come, Lord Jesus!

We are God’s children,

we seek the coming Christ.


Come, Lord Jesus!

Christmas Day

Blessed are you, sovereign Lord, King of peace:

to you be praise and glory for ever.

The new light of your incarnate Word

gives gladness in our sorrow,

and a presence in our isolation.

Fill our lives with your light,

until they overflow with gladness and praise.

Blessed be God for ever.

God our Father,

today the Saviour is born

and those who live in darkness are seeing a great light.

Help us, who greet the birth of Christ with joy,

to live in the light of your Son

and to share the good news of your love.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,

the light who has come into the world.


People of God: shout and sing!

Tell the good news of peace on earth.

Lord, bring us today into Christ’s peace.

All God’s people say/shout:


Angels dance and the bright star shines.

All creation bows to the Lord of all.

Lord, bring us today into Christ’s light.

All God’s people say/shout:


One with us, yet born to save

,he will show us the way to God.

Lord, bring us today into Christ’s love.

All God’s people say/shout:


People of God: shout and sing:

Alleluia! Alleluia!
